So I'm sitting in the floor with my baby and the cat is weaving around us and my son is mesmerized. So like any other time that this happens I say, "" And today it happened, I HEARD "cat" with a "ku" sound and a "t" sound. YAY! A real word not just mamamamama or dadadada or bahbahlalaba. Cat! Then he pet the cat, like he had been doing...gently, oh so gently. Then the damn thing bit him. What the hell! Broke the skin! Now when the cat comes by I think we will practice....damn cat....damn cat....damn cat......
okay probably not...but poor little guy, finally said a frikkin word and his reward is being bit. Cat bites hurt and then sting a little. Oh well. Yay, he said cat!
Yay for the first word! The cat was going to bite him at some point anyway; it was inevitable. At least that first is over with too. Now, to see if he remembers that the cat bit him...
your a mentally unstable kitty magnet
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