Friday, September 26, 2008

In, huuuuu. Out hooooooooo.

Ok so the economy is crazy.  And scary of you have two houses.  Boo:(   I just keep reminding myself to breathe.  We have been living on husband's income and paying the other house's mortgage with savings.  Eventhough there is plenty of savings right now, I am starting to freak out about the future.  What if we still have two houses next year...brb..........
ok I'm back I almost threw up at the idea of having two houses next....brb...
Anyway, so we did a new budget and realized that if we get rid of all of the extras like cable, internet, garbage service, restaurants, etc. we can actually pay both house payments.   So bye-bye extras.  I would much rather be without extras than to be freaking out all the time about money.

Here's to hoping a neighbor has wireless internet! 

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