1. Focus on God by
a. Reading the Bible more and praying more
b. Stop obsessively checking email and facebook
c. Avoid websites that were created for gossip and making fun of people
d. Watch less TV
2. Be a better wife by
a. See 1a-d
b. Reduce sarcasm, no matter how hilarious I actually am
c. Don't be clingy when Mr. Crookedtoes needs alone-time or guy-time
3. Be a better Momma by
a. See 1a-d
b. Limit TV time for my son
c. Read more (bible and fiction)
d. Increase educational and crafty activities
e. Say "no" in the toy aisle
4. Be healthier
a. move more
b. eat less (God help me)
5. Blog more (This whole Dear Diary thing is good for me)
6. Print To Do list and post on fridge
....and when you fail to fully meet the list requirements you'll beat yourself up and feel like dump - at least that's what those types of lists do to me. I have to list only one thing at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
I'm with Tiffany on this one. I couldn't handle that many items at once. What's your top priority?
This kind of list I see as a working list. I know that these things cannot just be checked off. But "focus on God" is my top priority. When my focus is on Him, everything else becomes easier.
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