Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I miss you, daddy.

The time to close my dad's estate is coming near.  I'm just waiting on a check to clear the bank.  It is weird to think about, mainly because daddy's death has been very businessy for me.  I wonder what it'll be like when it is no longer businessy.  Not that it was all businessy, I did my share of wailing and gnashing of teeth.  I missed him a lot today.  I cried, which is unusual.  
I don't really believe that God allows people in heaven to hear our thoughts or voices but sometimes it feels better to say to my dad silently, " I miss you" or "I love you."  I don't have conversations or hear things back or anything weird like that.  I desperately want to tell him about my son and what he is like.  My dad was going to be the "favorite grandparent, without even trying."
I don't know if we know people or recognize them in heaven, buy I hope so.

1 comment:

aligwhit said...

2 things...
1. I think God allows our family members/friends to watch and/or communicate w/ us at different times. I didn't used to think that, but I do now b/c when my friend was killed by a drunk driver his mom who loves Jesus begged God for some kind of communication. The next day she went to his grave and found a bunch of rocks that were over the grave in the form of a heart...that's what made me think that it doesn't have to be creepy.
2. It's good that you're able to cry. It shows your heart and I love your heart! That's why I pursued friendship w/ you 7 years ago ;-)