Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Freaking Birthday to Me!

I almost didn't post this out of fear of being judged. But most of the people who read this, I assume, know me. And if you don't know me well enough to know who I really am and you are offended by this or think I'm suicidal. Oh well, deal.

So here goes, as I was cleaning the kitchen this morning I was thinking about trying to lose weight for the millionth time and how hard it is to practice self control when eating is one of your coping skills. My dad is gone and I miss him. My marriage is not perfect and I am so sick of everyone else pretending like theirs is. WAKE UP PEOPLE, we all know that your marriage is not a fairy tale. Then I thought to myself, " I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my son." Oh wait, yes I do, I would sleep, and see my friends more and have more energy and have hobbies and be spontaneous. What a cop out to say, "my kids are the only thing that keeps me going." People say that all the time and it's bullshit. Yes, you love your kids in a way that is indescribable, that can only be understood if you are a parent but the idea that your kids are the only reason you are surviving this place is ridiculous. And if that is the truth, how sad. Kids change your life but they shouldn't literally BE your life.
Anyway, that is my rant.
BTW, I don't need advice or pity, just to vent.

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