Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BAd haiR DaY

iT all stARTed wheN I wOKe up wiTH A bad hAIR day. EveRYTHing weNt DOwn hilL FRom therE. AlL MY cartoons weRE REruns. Cheerios AGAIN. MommY YELLed at mE FOr waking up nEMo. hOW was I sUPPOse to knOW He doesn't like it whEN You bang on thE TAnk. BY MId-MOrning I wASN't eveN IN the moOD For Elmo. MOMmy INSISTS on cHANGing my diaPER Even thoUGh I proTESt. AnD if that iSn't enoUgh I got IN TRouble for putTTINg my bAll in tHE toil.........uh-oh...MoMmy is coMINg, I gottA go. I'm not sUPpose to be on the comPUTer.

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