Sunday, September 13, 2009

Help... I can't get up.

So I think today's topic is Christ. I know, pretty heavy for second day back, huh? Nonetheless, here I am being transparent. I am a Christian. By the world's standard I guess I am a "good Christian." I tithe, go to church, go to other church group thingies during the week, and am a good person (far from perfect but good.)
By biblical standards I suck. Well Paul talked about not doing what he wants to do and hating what he does. So I guess I'm in good company. I pray daily but my soul's desire is to be in constant conversation with God. I lose my patience too quickly. Self-discipline...what a joke, where do I begin? I spend too much money on things and not enough on feeding hungry people or providing for orphans and widows. Blahbedeeblah, I could go on all day about where I'm lacking, but truthfully, what I want..what I need... is simply more time sitting at His feet, looking into His face.
I think we (Christians) will never be "where we want to be" in our relationship with God until we are in heaven. We live in a fallen world and we live in fallen bodies. That won't keep me from pursuing Him though.

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