Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rose colored glasses are transparent, right?

Ok, so a couple of posts ago I talked about my arch nemesis, facebook. I have stayed away from facebook for a long time. I'm pretty proud of it because you can reactivate your account at anytime. I know this because I did that a couple of times to get an email address and then closed my account again. Anywho, I'm going to reactivate and practice restraint. I am also going to be transparent.
I think facebook is stressful because I write about the good stuff... because I want to look as good as all the other people... who post only the good stuff.
Also, I'm going to start blogging again. Most of the time when I'm not blogging it's because I feel like no one would be interested in my day-to-day going-ons. So if your going to follow my blog be prepared to be bored sometimes....

....and be forced to look at gratuitous pics of my lovey.